A podcast that explores the intersection of anti-vaccine beliefs, technology, and politics. We report on how misinformation, disinformation and fake news are constructed and how they spread. We talk to researchers to find out how serious the threat of disinformation is, and how politics and politicians use antivaxx-views to score points with voters. We look for examples of people who successfully navigate misinformation. The show is hosted by Eva von Schaper and Daiva Repeckaite, journalists with two decades of reporting experience between them. You can sign up for our weekly newsletter, Inoculated, at www.theinoculation.com. Transcripts are available at www.theinoculation.com.

Friday Nov 04, 2022
Conspiracy 🤝 Spirituality = Conspirituality
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Friday Nov 04, 2022
According to Pew Research, six-in-ten American adults accept at least one of New Age beliefs: psychics, spiritual energy, reincarmation and/or astrology. And overall, seven-in-ten women hold at least one New Age belief, compared to just over half of men. Research also shows that spiritual people are more likely to believe in COVID-19 conspiracies. That’s why in this episode we are looking at conspirituality — the merger of conspiracy theories and spiritual beliefs. We discuss the origins of the term, the different generations of conspirituality, and their influence today. We also talk to Dr. Eszter Szenes about the transatlantic links among conspiritual movements.
To make sure you never miss our stories, please subscribe to our newsletter, and this show on Apple Podcasts,Audible,Google Podcasts, Spotify or another platform of your choice. Follow us on Facebook as @theinoculation, on Twitter as @TInoculation, and on Instagram as @the_inoculation

Friday Oct 21, 2022
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Homeopathy, the principle that ‘like cures like’ even in trace amounts, came to be at a time when opium, blood-letting and alcohol were all common treatments for illnesses. Study after study, it has been proven not to work, and testing of homeopathic products appears to often fail to follow established ethics. But many European countries allow selling sugar pills with ‘memory’ water alongside clinically tested drugs.
The idea of memory water also appeals to anti-vaccine entrepreneurs. And, as we discuss in this episode, homeopathic and anti-vaccine communities significantly overlap.

Friday Oct 07, 2022
How Russia Exploits Antivaxx Sentiment to Spread Energy Disinformation
Friday Oct 07, 2022
Friday Oct 07, 2022
The prospect of a cold winter makes energy a hot topic in Europe. Russia, aiming to chip away at Western support for Ukraine, has an interest in stoking people’s fears. And where does Russia find enthusiastic supporters? You guessed it — among public health skeptics.
This is the first episode of our 4th season, in which we will focus on Germany and the ways various health, energy and climate conspiracies link up there. For this episode we talked to GMFUS’s Bret Schafer and Kristine Berzina to learn about how Russia goes about shaping public opinion abroad.
Here are some of the information sources used for this episode:
Polling Nordstream 2: https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/1282647/umfrage/festhalten-am-projekt-nord-stream2/
Germans’ opinion now: https://www.n-tv.de/politik/Mehrheit-ist-gegen-Offnung-von-Nord-Stream-2-article23536541.html
Share of Russian gas in Europe: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1201743/russian-gas-dependence-in-europe-by-country/
Dependency on Russia:
Russian gas reserves: https://www.statista.com/topics/6207/russian-natural-gas-industry/#dossierKeyfigures
Imports: https://ihsmarkit.com/research-analysis/russian-gas-imports-in-the-eu-threat-or-a-chance.html
and: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/07/business/russia-gas-europe.html
How Russia cut gas supplies: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60131520
Our earlier episodes:
Episode 25 - Are Antivaxxers More Likely to be Pro-Putin?
Episode 21 - The Falsehood Firehose: How Russian Disinformation Actors Spread Propaganda
Episode 18 - How Anti-Vaccination Movements Pull Parents In
Episode 17 - Fight Against Vaccine, Climate Disinformation Linked: Expert
Episode 11 - Social Media, Russia, Disinformation -- GMFUS' Bret Shafer

Friday Jul 01, 2022
Can Robots Detect Disinformation?
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Friday Jul 01, 2022
We previously reported that robots can spew out new kinds of disinformation. But can they also help detect and flag it? To find out, Eva talked to researcher Giovanni Da San Martino, who is researching natural language processing at the University of Padova.
Here are some links to relevant studies: https://aclanthology.org/2020.emnlp-tutorials.2.pdf
And we invite you to listen to our story on a Spanish-language news service that targets misinformation.
This is the last episode of this season. We’ll be back in September. To make sure you never miss our stories, please subscribe to our newsletter, and this show on Apple Podcasts,Audible,Google Podcasts, Spotify or another platform of your choice. Follow us on Facebook as @theinoculation, on Twitter as @TInoculation, and on Instagram as @the_inoculation

Friday Jun 17, 2022
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Our story from Malta has made it to the Solutions Story Tracker — a rigorously curated database run by the Solutions Journalism Network. So today we invite you to revisit this story and hear an update on what the Mediterranean island country did to vaccinate its population against COVID-19. If you’re interested in vaccine mandates, you will probably enjoy our earlier episode on the topic.
Please subscribe to our newsletter, and this show on Apple Podcasts,Audible, Google Podcasts, Spotify or another platform of your choice. Follow us on Facebook as @theinoculation, on Twitter as @TInoculation, and on Instagram as @the_inoculation

Friday Jun 03, 2022
Political Biases: What Role Do They Play in Disinformation?
Friday Jun 03, 2022
Friday Jun 03, 2022
Researching the benefits of situations where people come together to solve puzzles or make decisions, Cecilie Steenbuch Traberg realised that there is a dark side of collective intelligence. This led her to research fake news. When her team showed simulated social media posts, accurate or not, to a sample of Americans, it emerged that liberals more than conservatives judge information as reliable, even when it isn’t, when it comes from a source they trust. So The Inoculation team contacted Cecilie Steenbuch Traberg to find out more. You can read her and Sander van der Linden’s paper here. The tweet mentioned by Eva is here.
Please subscribe to our newsletter, and this show on Apple Podcasts, Audible, Google Podcasts, Spotify or another platform of your choice. Follow us on Facebook as @theinoculation, on Twitter as @TInoculation, and on Instagram as @the_inoculation

Friday May 20, 2022
We Fact-checked VAIDS, a New Antivax New Conspiracy (Hint: It Doesn’t Exist)
Friday May 20, 2022
Friday May 20, 2022
In this episode, we fact-check VAIDS, a made-up syndrome anti-vaxxers are using to scare people away from getting vaccinated.
Here is some background info: https://health-desk.org/articles/is-there-any-evidence-of-vaccine-acquired-immunodeficiency-in-relation-to-covid-19-vaccines-and-booster-shots
Here's the list of the "Disinfo Dozen": https://counterhate.com/research/the-disinformation-dozen/
Please subscribe to our newsletter, and this show onApple Podcasts, Audible,Google Podcasts, Spotify, or another platform of your choice. Follow us on Facebook as @theinoculation, on Twitter as @TInoculation, and on Instagram as @the_inoculation

Friday May 06, 2022
Elon Musk and Twitter - A Disinformation Nightmare?
Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
Elon Musk’s bid to buy Twitter has prompted the WHO to make a statement on misinformation. Misinformation costs lives, Mike Ryan, executive director of the health emergencies program at the WHO, said about the offer from Musk, a self-described free-speech absolutist. The Recode podcast has pointed out that in the past Musk was known for his trolling behavior.
Twitter has certain festures that make spreading disinformation easy. So this week The Inoculation explore the implications of the bid for the disinformation scene with the help of WF Thomas, a disinformation researcher. Eva talked to him while working on a story on audio disinformation, which was part of her Transatlantic Media Fellowship by the Heinrich Boell Foundation Washington, DC. You can read the BBC reporting on Russia’s Twitter network here and the New Yorker’s article on regulation here.
Please subscribe to our newsletter, and this show on Apple Podcasts, Audible,Google Podcasts, Spotify, or another platform of your choice. Follow us on Facebook as @theinoculation, on Twitter as @TInoculation, and on Instagram as @the_inoculation

Friday Apr 22, 2022
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Disinformation warfare is not new to the Baltic States - and they have been boosting their preparedness since 2014 and were lauded as successful. Then why did countering COVID-19 disinformation prove challenging?
In December, Daiva and Eva spoke to Nika Aleksejeva, who is a data journalism trainer and lead researcher for the Baltics at the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab. “COVID-19 disinformation is a very good lesson for us to be less naive about our capabilities,” she says.
You can read more about Latvia's disinformation actors here. You can also read our Re:Baltica article about the superspreaders of vaccine disinformation in the Baltics here. Daiva recently wrote a story about how the war in Ukraine effects people in Lithuania - you can read it here.
Please subscribe to our newsletter, and this show on Apple Podcasts, Audible, Google Podcasts, Spotify or another platform of your choice. Transcripts are at www.theinoculation.com
After the investigation is complete, you will be able to find the code we used for the analysis of the European Parliament's data on our GitHub repository. The production of this investigation is supported by a grant from the IJ4EU fund. The International Press Institute (IPI), the European Journalism Centre (EJC) and any other partners in the IJ4EU fund are not responsible for the content published and any use made out of it.
Follow us on Facebook as @theinoculation, on Twitter as @TInoculation, and on Instagram as @the_inoculation.

Friday Apr 08, 2022
Are Antivaxxers More Likely to be Pro-Putin?
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
As part of our data investigation, we took a look at politicians' tweets in the Netherlands. We found that far-right politicians are more likely to tweet about anti-vaccine topics, but we also saw that tweeters with antivaxx stances were more supportive of Vladimir Putin and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
We talked to Erin Jenne, an expert on topics of nationalism, populism, and foreign policy analysis at Central European University, as well as Eszter Szenes, an expert on extremism.
After the investigation is complete, you will be able to find the code we used for the analysis of the Portuguese data on our GitHub repository. Transcripts are at www.theinoculation.com. The production of this investigation is supported by a grant from the IJ4EU fund. The International Press Institute (IPI), the European Journalism Centre (EJC) and any other partners in the IJ4EU fund are not responsible for the content published and any use made out of it.